I miss the batcave
It has been ages since I posted something here. What with writing blogs and match reports for the Penn State Cricket club and writing my thesis, just did not think I could write anymore. So finally the thesis is over, defended successfully (Ah...thank you!) and decided to start posting some of the pent up ideas from past.
We recently moved from our long time abode at Marjorie Mae. It was one heck of a weekend of move and you can read more about it on Mota's blog here. While at Marjorie Mae, I moved into the basement after a year as Mota decided he needed some light to grow (even more). The confines of the basement grew on me and with it staying cool down there even during the highs of summer with no air conditioning, it was a fine place. With me acquiring the name of "Batman" from a few friends, the basement became the batcave from which I would emerge to save the beautiful damsels in distress in Gothamesque State College (Sigh! I wish). When the time came to bid goodbye, my heart fluttered a wee bit with the prospect of leaving the batcave where one would be oblivious of the time changes as days grew into nights and viceversa.
Now I am staying put at Nittany Gardens. And lo and behold, I am up at the stroke of dawn (o.k. maybe 7:30) as the first streams of daylight jars me from my deep slumber. Yesterday night I slept late working on a poster for the upcoming orientation hoping to break this routine and get over the batcave. But as the saying goes, you can take the batman out of the batcave (just put up the beacon ladies..) but you can never take the batcave out of the batman.
Look on the plus side, now you can recruit fresh players for PSCC :)
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